Sket Dance Wiki

Welcome everyone! I'm Takashichea, the 3rd Admin of Sket Dance Wikia and a wiki editor at Anime Vice. I'm here with an evaluation form. I haven't done this before. This is my first time being an Admin for a year and 4 months. The reason I start this evaluation is to complete my mission here. As you may not know, I started working here to embrace the Wikia Communities and to improve relationships between the former Whiskey Media sites and the Wikia communities.

Out of fairness, I will not respond to any of these comments. You guys and gals are free to make any comments in addition to filling out these evaluation questions. If someone misuse their powers and troll others, Cococrash11 will take care of these issues. These questions are not perfect. I'm not the best in the grammar department. I'm not a lawyer or an English major since the English language is notorious for ambiguity. I try to make questions as specific as I can.

Be sure to look at the blogs and messages not just the wiki contributions.

Anonymous editors are welcome to answer these questions.

  1. Was the Admin been helpful to you? (IE: answering requests/questions or troubleshooting wiki edits)
  2. Has the Admin use his powers according to the laws?
  3. Has the Admin take initiative in starting up new projects or tackling problems such as disputes over users and wiki pages?
  4. Describe the Admin's commitment to Sket Dance Wikia. (IE: work habits)

If you have any thoughtful questions for the evaluations, I'll be glad to add them here.
